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- The O-ring Kit Breathing Circuit Gas (BCG) Bulkhead Connector in Anesthesia Delivery is used in Aestiva and other medical equipments as applicable. It is consists of four O-rings. It has high score impact strength. The O-rings are used widely as leak source barriers in Anesthesia machine. The O-ring is seated in a groove and compressed between two or more parts thereby creating a seal at the interface. It is made from the material which is a combination of ethylene and propylene. The products superior material quality offers heat resistant, ozone resistant and weather resistant. The GE product is an Innovation and technology which fits well into versatile customer needs. These parts are diligently designed for superior Performance and reliability. It is securely packaged inside a high quality packing box to avoid physical damage during transit and labeled with details about the product, Quality Assurance (QA) seal and shipment details.