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The Battery 3 Volt (3V) 1000 mAh Single Charge Lithium Coin Type is an electrochemical energy storage device. It is an important component for any emergency backup system. This 12V Lead acid battery is being used as DC source for monitoring systems of an anesthesia machines. This thermal protector battery can be used to power the monitor whenever required. The battery will power the monitor for approximately 12 hours and should survive between 12 amp-hours when the monitor is running on battery power. It is protected with the internal auto-resetting fuse to ensure operational safety of the device. Battery power indicator indicates the charge status of the internal lead-acid battery. It also has the capable of giving high discharge rates. Battery shall be charged to deliver a minimum of 95% of rated capacity when received. These are being used in ARC Aespire View, ARC Airway Gas Module, ARC Aespire 7900, ARC Aisys, ARC Aestiva MRI, ARC PRESTN Module and ARC Tec 7 Vaporizer
建议替换备件 | 备件详情 |
1011-3557-000 | BTRY SEALED LEAD ACID 12V 12AH |