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- The Seal Gauge Panel Window Dual Extrusion Wide comes as a part of the Anesthesia Delivery System. It is provided as a part of the seal gauge panel. The panel consists of the seal wide and narrows. There are low-pressure gauges for O2, N2O, and Air, and high-pressure gauges for Heliox and CO2. Low-pressure gauges follow the order of the flow head and are mounted under the respective flowmeter module. High-pressure gauges follow the order of the cylinder supply modules and are mounted in order next to the system switch. The seal panel is extruded, which provides high strength and all the corners are rounded to remove sharp corners and edges. It is securely packaged inside a high quality packing boxes to avoid physical damage during transit. It comes as a part of the medical equipment like Aestiva Compact and Aestiva 7900 Anesthesia Delivery Systems.