CARESCAPE B450软件(第2版)微驱动模块(UDOM)套件
2086502-001 | |
2083234-001 | |
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病人监护产品 | |
病人监测 | |
GE医疗 | |
GE HealthCare | 不需归还 |
Enter your approval number and submit to add item(s) to cart.
Please enter approval number
Don't know your approval number? Call 800-437-1171
Enter opt 1 for the first three prompts, and have your System ID available.
If you add item(s) to cart and submit your order without the
approval number, GE will contact you before your order
can be confirmed for shipment.
Select your approver's name and submit to add item(s) to your cart
Please Select Approver Name
Don't know your approval number? Call 800-437-1171
Enter opt 1 for the first three prompts, and have your System ID available.
If you add item(s) to cart and submit your order without
selecting an approver, GE will contact you before your order
can be confirmed for shipment.
- CARESCAPE B450软件(第2版)微驱动模块(UDOM)套件。如有需要,应订购1个2086502-001备件和1个2083233-001备件。
- 生产编号为2083234-001的备件只能结合2.0.6版本软件使用。如无库存,需要时应订购1个2086502-001备件和1个2083233-001备件。2015年9月14日
替代零备件 | 备件详情 |
2083234-001 |